Klinkeroever '22


Freddie Webber



Hello there. So who am i and how bad is my music? Well, I am a singer songwriter from England, but i keep the political songs or songs about my ex partner to a minimum, as i feel the world already has its quota of those guys and girls. So i try to approach it from a different angle using the same tools as they do; voice, guitar, and maybe a few effect pedals, but i'd rather get an audience smiling, dancing and singing along than have them think "goodness, he is really at war with himself' or 'that girl really broke his heart!' or 'now i know more about Brexit.' If you haven't already been won over yet that another highly redeeming feature of myself is I now live in the greatest country in the world - Belgium!'

Buurtvereniging de Papegay

Twaalfkameren 21

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